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Topic: Data Cooperative

Insights Strategy Data Cooperative

Charting a New Course and Leading Advertisers Beyond the Cookie

By Mareena Maki on March 12, 2024

Up until very recently, more than half of marketers did not believe that Google would deprecate the third-party cookie in Chrome. But here we are: The time is upon us. The long-foretold...

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Insights Strategy Data Enrichment Data Cooperative

Leveraging Data Science for Powerful Audience Solutions

By Donna Hamilton on January 9, 2024

Donna Hamilton, Alliant’s Chief Innovation Officer joins Vincent Pietrafesa, the Vice President of B2B Product at Stirista on the popular The Marketing Stir Podcast. On this episode, listen...

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Insights Data Cooperative

Debunking the Myths of Data Cooperatives

By Rene Hamill on May 30, 2023

Marketers work across many sources and disciplines of data. After all, data is truly a space full of possibilities, and partners. As marketers are tasked to lead the charges on big...

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