Google’s announcement that it was abandoning plans to deprecate third-party cookie support within the Chrome browser may have been surprising in terms of timing and execution of the...
Continue ReadingGoogle’s announcement that it was abandoning plans to deprecate third-party cookie support within the Chrome browser may have been surprising in terms of timing and execution of the...
Continue ReadingPreviously featured on the ANA
Continue ReadingIn 2022, anastounding 92 percentof U.S. households were reachable by CTV programmatic advertising. In other words, connected TV advertising represents a tremendous opportunity for today’s...
Continue ReadingIn a year of economic uncertainty and the rapid evolution of advanced technologies, data’s position, value and pricing remain top of mind across the advertising supply chain.
Continue ReadingInsights Industry News Advanced TV
Previously featured on Broadcasting+Cable There's been plenty of industry buzz around the addressable TV advertising opportunity in recent years, but it has been challenging for marketers...
Continue ReadingGiven the current economic climate, marketers have been tasked to do more with the same (or less) than they’ve had in recent years. In day-to-day terms, that means brand marketers and...
Continue ReadingBrand marketers may find themselves seeking a silver bullet to achieve their first-party data goals, but there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. To be effective, first-party data assets must...
Continue ReadingInsights Industry News Advanced TV
TV’s annual Upfront presentations are now over, and after seeing glittery previews of all of the programming to come later this year, advertisers are locking in their annual TV buys. As...
Continue ReadingOriginally Featured on WARC
Continue ReadingInsights Industry News Advanced TV
Matt Frattaroli, VP of Digital Platform and Agency Partnerships at Alliant, explains the importance of household-level purchase behavior data and ways marketers can leverage the power of...
Continue ReadingAlliant provides consumer marketers with innovative, data-driven audience optimization solutions that deliver marketing insight for profitable growth.
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