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Picture of Matt Frattaroli

Matt Frattaroli

SVP, Digital Platform & Agency Partnerships


Does Third-party Data Need a Rebrand?

By Matt Frattaroli on December 6, 2021

Originally Featured in Advertising Week

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Insights Strategy Advanced TV

Is Addressable TV Right for Your Brand?

By Matt Frattaroli on June 3, 2020

Whether TV is part of your current channel strategy or not, many marketers are curious about the why and how of addressable TV. As TV became more data-driven, Alliant jumped in with the...

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Insights Industry News Programmatic Strategy

Prepare Now for the Post-Cookie Reality

By Matt Frattaroli on February 27, 2020

The timer for the end of third-party cookies has been set by Google – and it’s ticking away. While having some runway is nice, a courtesy that wasn’t provided by the other browsers, it does...

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Insights Industry News Programmatic

3rd Party Data Will Survive in a Cookie-less World

By Matt Frattaroli on January 30, 2020

With Google’s announcement to end support of cookies, many say that the writing is on the wall for measurement, retargeting and third party data solutions. It’s not to say this change won’t...

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Insights Advanced TV

Advanced TV Speak Made Easy

By Matt Frattaroli on October 15, 2019

Every industry has its language and acronyms, but it’s not every day that two parallel industries converge into one. For years, digital gurus have been forecasting the coming of addressable...

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Insights Programmatic Strategy Advanced TV

The 8 Questions Media Buyers Should Ask Every Data Provider

By Matt Frattaroli on January 4, 2019

Updated: 3/2/2021 Alliant originally created this guide in 2018 to help data buyers find transparent and trustworthy partners. The world has changed a lot since then, so we thought it was...

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Meet us at &THEN in LA

By Matt Frattaroli on October 3, 2016

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